Write-efficient updates for AVL trees
Vincent Jugé (LIGM, Univ. G. Eiffel, Paris Est)Balanced binary search trees are a common data structure for implementing ordered sets, with three kinds of queries: checking whether a given value belongs t...
Le séminaire a lieu le mardi à 10h45 (sauf modification exceptionnelle), au campus Côte de Nacre, bâtiment Sciences 3, salle S3 351, 3ème étage.
Balanced binary search trees are a common data structure for implementing ordered sets, with three kinds of queries: checking whether a given value belongs t...
One-way functions are fundamental to cryptography, as their existence is both necessary and sufficient for constructing essential cryptographic primitives su...
Résumé à venir.
Coalition formation is a cooperative game theory framework in which a set of agents, required to perform implicit or explicit tasks, must be divided into sub...